ESE, Inc. announced today; its entire portfolio of ESETOMES eBooks is being offered for sale by Augsburg, Germany based Weltbild Publishing Group on the Company’s website ( Weltbild, which translates to, “Worldview” is a major German publisher and media retailer which as of 2006, claims to be Germany's largest media and mail-order company and says it is No. 2 among online book retailers (presumably after Source Wikipedia.
ESETOMES is the brand name for books written by ESE, Inc. CEO, Eric Simmons. The brand currently includes his Amazon "Best Seller" Memoir, "Not Far From The Tree," "#HTSP - How to Self-Publish," and "ESETOMES Box Set" which is an eBook compilation of Simmons' first two books.
“Not Far From The Tree,” “#HTSP - How To Self-Publish,” and “ESETOMES Box Set” are copyrighted products of ESE, Inc.
#Weltbild #NotFarFromTheTree #HTSPHowToSelfPublish #ESETOMES #ESEInc #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor