ESE, Inc. shared today, that since July 2018, when it began tracking the Amazon “Best Seller” sales performance of its ESETOMES books, the written works by CEO Eric Simmons have appeared on the list eighteen (18) times or once a month. The book with the most appearances (12) has been “Not Far From The Tree,” Simmons’ Memoir. “#HTSP - How to Self-Publish” and the recently released, “Getting Your Book Into Libraries,” have also appeared on the list.
“Not Far From The Tree,” “#HTSP - How to Self-Publish,” and “Getting Your Book Into Libraries” are copyrighted products of ESE, Inc.
ESETOMES is the brand name for written works by ESE, Inc. CEO, Eric Simmons.
#Amazon #ESEInc #ESETOMES #NotFarFromTheTree #HTSPHowToSelfPublish #GettingYourBookIntoLibraries #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor
