Through Monday, December 16th, ESETOMES books have been on Amazon’s “Best Seller” list in their respective categories a total of 14 times in 2019, ESE, Inc. shared today. Amazon’s Best Seller Rank or BSR can provide Authors with a perspective on how their books are doing as compared to others in the same category(s). Per Amazon, “The Amazon Best Sellers calculation is based on Amazon sales, and is updated hourly to reflect recent and historical sales of every item sold on Amazon.” ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons pays close attention to Amazon’s BSR after learning one of his ESETOMES books had been placed into a category that was unrelated. Once the book was recategorized, its performance improved dramatically.
ESETOMES is the copyrighted brand name for written works by ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons and include, “Not Far From The Tree,” “#HTSP - How to Self-Publish,” “ESETOMES Box Set,” “How to Get Your Book Into Libraries,” and “Getting Your Book Into Libraries.”
#ESETOMES #NotFarFromTheTree #HTSPHowToSelfPublish #ESETOMESBoxSet #HowToGetYourBookIntoLibraries #GettingYourBookIntoLibraries #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor