San Francisco based Scribd, an e-book and audiobook subscription service, is now carrying all of ESE, Inc.’s ESETOMES digital books, the Company announced today. The books are being made available to Scribd through ESE Inc. Aggregator partners Draft2Digital, PublishDrive, and Smashwords. Scribd's e-book subscription service is available on Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, as well as the Kindle Fire, Nook, and personal computers. With over one million titles and 80 million users, Scribd has been referred to as "the Netflix for books."
ESETOMES is the brand name for books written by ESE, Inc. CEO, Eric Simmons. The brand currently includes his Amazon "Best Seller" Memoir, "Not Far From The Tree," "#HTSP - How to Self-Publish," and "ESETOMES Box Set" which is an eBook compilation of Simmons' first two books.
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