ESE, Inc. announced today, its ESETOMES brand of books are now being offered for sale by Beijing-based CNP eReading, an online provider of eBooks and other digital resources to more than 10,000 Public Libraries, University Libraries, and Research Institutions in China. It operates under the state-owned China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC).
ESETOMES is the copyrighted brand name for written works by ESE, Inc. CEO, Eric Simmons and include his books, “Not Far From The Tree,” “#HTSP - How to Self-Publish,” “ESETOMES Box Set,” “Getting Your Book Into Libraries,” and an article “How To Get Your Book Into Libraries.”
#ESEInc #ESETOMES #NotFarFromTheTree #HTSPHowToSelfPublish #GettingYourBookIntoLibraries #HowToGetYourBookIntoLibraries #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor