This week, ESE, Inc. introduced 4 new Library Marketing Services (LMS) solutions that enable customers to purchase the Company’s Library Contacts “Database,” Intro letter, and “Getting Your Book Into Libraries” together as a bundle. “Customers have shared with us they love the combination of our “Database” and Intro Letter and have told us they wanted to be able to get my new book as well, when they order, to avoid making multiple purchases. I am in total agreement with their logic and am excited that we have been able to deliver on their request,” said CEO Eric Simmons.
Library Marketing Services, the Library Contacts “Database,” Intro letter, and “Getting Your Book Into Libraries” are copyrighted products of ESE, Inc.
#LibraryMarketingServices #LibraryContactsDatabase #GettingYourBookIntoLibraries #ESEInc #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor
