New York-based Amityville Public Library recently added, "Not Far From The Tree" to its Library Collection, ESE, Inc. shared today. The library is a member of the Suffolk Cooperative Library System (SCLS) which has 64 member Libraries that serve the 1,493,350 residents of Suffolk County, the fourth-most populous county in New York. The order was placed despite no previous contact by ESE, Inc.

"My guess is Amityville learned about, "Not Far From The Tree" through the New York Public Library or the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. I called the Library this morning and thanked them for their order. What immediately caught my attention about the transaction is the size of SCLS. They are massive in terms of number of Libraries and are the biggest System I've seen to date. As a result, we're going to be heavily focused on contacting every member Library over the next 30 days to make them aware of our ESETOMES books," disclosed Simmons.
“Not Far From The Tree” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.