Haines City Public Library recently added, “Not Far From The Tree” to its Collection and became the 99th Library to add an ESETOMES book since ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons began introducing his written works to Libraries in January 2018; the Company shared today. Based in Haines City, Florida, Haines City Public Library (@HCPLibraryread) informed Simmons late last month that it had ordered his Memoir and would be adding it to the Library’s Collection.
“Not Far From The Tree” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.
ESETOMES is the brand name for copyrighted written works by ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Otis Simmons.
#HCPLibraryread #NotFarFromTheTree #ESETOMESbooks #ESEInc #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor
