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ESE, Inc. Uses 80/20 Rule to Find its Books in Libraries

Currently, there are ninety-three (93) copies of ESE, Inc. ESETOMES books, “Not Far From The Tree,” and “#HTSP – How to Self-Publish" in 83 Academic and Public Libraries per the company. How does ESE, Inc. know which Libraries have its books? First, ESE, Inc. keeps track of Libraries it has contacted, either via email, the primary method, or by phone. Next, as sales come in each month, ESE, Inc. applies the 80/20 business rule to the Aggregators it uses that have reported Library sales in the past. So, if Draft2Digital (D2D), for instance, reports ten sales during the month, ESE, Inc. estimates 2 or 20% of the sales were probably to a Library. The Company then goes onto the websites of the last group of Libraries it has contacted to see if an ESETOMES book is on order or has already been added to the facility’s Collection. In the case of Public Libraries, the Company has found the ordering process can take anywhere from three to six months.

“We’ve only had three or four instances (i.e., 4-5% of the Time) where a Library has notified us that an ESETOMES book has been added to its Collection. So, the process of identifying Libraries that have our ESETOMES books is by and large, a manual one. Even though Libraries represent a small portion of our overall sales, the time it takes to uncover those that have made a purchase is well worth the time when you consider the tremendous amount of credibility Libraries bring to an Author’s books,” said ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons.

“Not Far From The Tree” and “#HTSP - How to Self-Publish” are copyrighted products of ESE, Inc.

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