Yesterday, ESE, Inc. discovered a purchase of, "Not Far from The Tree" by the Appalachian Regional Library, the Company reported today. The book was ordered by Wilkes County Public Library, a part of the Appalachian Regional Library network which has libraries across northwestern North Carolina, encompassing Ashe, Watauga, and Wilkes counties. The procurement was discovered during a review of a recently contacted North Carolina library whose link led to the State's online library page where it was found Wilkes County Public Library had recently purchased the manuscript despite having never been contacted by ESE, Inc. "Initially, I thought the Library might be affiliated with one of our existing North Carolina customers, but there is no affiliation, so this has to have been a referral sale. I'll learn more when I call to thank the customer for their order, but to say the least, this was a pleasant surprise," said ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons.
“Not Far From The Tree” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.