Coming Soon - “Getting Your Book Into Libraries”
ESE, Inc. announced today, “Getting Your Book Into Libraries,” the latest book by Company CEO and Author Eric Simmons will be available in bookstores soon. Believed to be the first book ever written on the topic, in “Getting Your Book Into Libraries,” Simmons lays out the methodology and tactics he developed to successfully get his self-published books into 85 libraries, including 7 of America’s largest, in less than two years, and without paying for a book review!
“Getting Your Book Into Libraries,” is based on Simmons’ article, “How To Get Your Books Into Libraries,” that was posted by noted Author Joanna Penn (@TheCreativePenn), which generated 4,061 interactions from readers in thirty (30) countries, not long after its posting, and became the top Google search result, out of 1 billion, on the subject.
“Getting Your Book Into Libraries” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.
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