Collier County Public Library (CCPL) notified ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons this morning it had ordered his Memoir, “Not Far From The Tree,” for its System, the Company reported today. With the acquisition, CCPL becomes the 74th Library to order one of Simmons’ books and the first in the State of Florida to do so.
Based in Naples, Florida, Collier County Public Library (CCPL) System consists of 10 locations, including a headquarters library, two regional locations, and 7 branches distributed throughout its service area. CCPL has a print collection of approximately 640,000 volumes.
“In terms of the “Top 5” states by Library visits, Florida was the only state we didn’t have an ESETOMES1 book in, so I’m very excited about CCPL’s order. With 530 Public Libraries in the state, getting our foot in the door in Florida was strategically important. As one of the leading Libraries in the state, I fervently believe CCPL’s order will resonate with its brethren Libraries throughout the state, and we’ll be getting more orders down the road.” said Simmons.
1. ESETOMES is the brand name for written works by Eric Otis Simmons and includes, “Not Far From The Tree,” “#HTSP - How to Self-Publish,” and “ESETOMES Box Set.”
