ESE, Inc. announced today; it is in the process of consolidating the Company’s multiple websites into a single site to better highlight the Company’s brands, eliminate website redundancy, and streamline social media communications. “When I looked at our two lines of business, website development, and self-publishing, I asked myself, what do the two have in common? “Branding” was the common denominator. With our website development business, we help High School Athletes, Authors, Poets, and Individuals project their “Personal Brand” on the internet. We recently branded my self-published books as ESETOMES so that my written works would be more easily and readily identifiable by entities such as Libraries. So when I thought about it, we’ve evolved into a “Branding” company. As a result, I believe our consolidated website will help us better project who we are,” said CEO Eric Simmons.
ESETOMES is the brand name for written works by ESE, Inc. CEO, Eric Simmons
#ESEInc #ESETOMES #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor