ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons had quite a surprise when he checked his Twitter notifications this morning. Barbara Mostella, @BarbaraAuth, a new self-published Author (“Who Would Have Thought”) and attendee at Simmons’, “How to Self-Publish” presentation at the South Fulton Library, @fulcolibrary, on Monday, described the session, in an unsolicited tweet, as “very inspirational.” Ms. Mostella, who had never met Simmons, came to the event with his book, “#HTSP - How to Self-Publish,” in tow. Despite having read the book and rating it 5 Stars on Goodreads, she wanted to learn even more about self-publishing and meet the Author in person.
“When I met Ms. Mostella and saw her carrying “#HTSP,” I told her everything that I would be covering was in the book. She told me she felt she would learn even more at the session. My primary goal for, “Not Far From The Tree” and “#HTSP” has always been to inspire and motivate others. I’m thrilled I was able to inspire Ms. Mostella and wish her all the best in her self-publishing journey,” said Simmons.
The “How to Self-Publish” presentation by Eric Otis Simmons is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.
#BarbaraMostella #SouthFultonLibrary #HowtoSelfPublish #Goodreads #HTSPHowtoSelfPublish #NotFarFromTheTree #ESEInc #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor