ESE, Inc. announced today; it will be focusing on the states of Massachusetts and Illinois during the 4th quarter for new ESETOMES book sales to Libraries. Currently, the states rank 3rd and 4th in the Company’s year to date Amazon retail sales, and CEO Eric Simmons believes the same type of success can be achieved once the Company begins contacting Librarians in the two states. “With over 800 libraries in Illinois and nearly 400 in Massachusetts, using our retail sales as a barometer, I believe that by creating awareness about our books we have an opportunity to do quite well with Libraries in both states,” said Simmons.
ESETOMES is the brand name for books written by ESE, Inc. CEO, Eric Simmons. The brand currently includes his Amazon "Best Seller" Memoir, "Not Far From The Tree," "#HTSP - How to Self-Publish," and "ESETOMES Box Set," which is an eBook compilation of Simmons' first two books.
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