ESE, Inc. Launches New Marketing "Hype" Video
September 28, 2017
Today, ESE, Inc. officially released a strategic marketing “Hype” Video, on YouTube, targeted towards High School Student-Athletes and their Parents. The video which highlights ESE, Inc.’s website development capability was developed by CEO Eric Simmons. “Making the video was one of the most fun and thought-provoking projects I’ve worked on in a while. Knowing the video will soon be soon used as a Facebook Ad, trying to sync up the various pages with the music, and stay within 90 seconds was challenging. I truly believe the piece will resonant with our intended audience, and they are going to like it!”
ESE, Inc.’s “Hype” video can be viewed at

“Not Far From The Tree” soon to be available from Ingram Content Group
September 28, 2017
ESE, Inc. announced today, “Not Far From The Tree” will soon be available from Ingram Content Group, the world’s largest wholesale book distributor. Ingram Content Group services 39,000+ retailers, libraries, distributors, and educational institutions worldwide. Per ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons, “This is very exciting news for ESE, Inc. Ingram’s global reputation and print quality are well known throughout the book industry. In addition to their large retailer and distributor base, having the Memoir be available to libraries, K-12, and Colleges/Universities brings the book even closer to kids, and young adults who like me were raised by a single parent. After I sign off on the distribution, all of Ingram’s accounts worldwide will receive a digital copy of the book. This will enable them to print the publication on demand. For retailers with Expresso printing equipment, the book can be printed in minutes while the customer waits. It doesn’t get any better than that!”

For a Day, “Not Far From The Tree” Climbs to “Top 2%” on Amazon’s Bestseller List
September 28, 2017
ESE, Inc. announced today that for a day (September 13, 2017), “Not Far From The Tree” rose to the “Top 2%” of sales on Amazon’s Bestseller List worldwide. The book ranked 129,139 out of over 8,000,000 books sold around the globe. Following, sales shifted back to its current 7 month average of being in the “Top 28%” of sales worldwide.

“Not Far From The Tree” - 7 Months Percent of Sales by Channel
September 28, 2017
ESE, Inc. provided today the percentage of sales by channel for the 7 months following the release of “Not Far From The Tree.” As a percentage of overall sales, the CreateSpace eStore and Amazon grew, month-over-month, by 7% and 8% respectively.

"Not Far From The Tree" - Percent of Sales By Amazon Channels
August 25, 2017
Today, ESE, Inc. announced its Percent of Sales By Amazon Channels for the 6 Month Period of CEO Eric Simmons’ Memoir, “Not Far From The Tree.” Per CEO Simmons, “We recently took a high-level look at book sales through our largest Distributor’s (Amazon) sales channels and compared it to Direct Sales (i.e., Book Signings). As the chart shows, the largest portion of Amazon sales is currently coming from the CreateSpace eStore, followed by Taken separately, our Direct Sales aren’t too far behind This is a very good balance in my view especially when you consider the high-profit margins of the eStore. A definite area for improvement is with Kindle sales which deliver the highest profit of the Amazon channels we are currently using. As a result, one of our primary areas of focus over the next 6 months will be to increase our marketing efforts in the Kindle space.”

New “5 Stars” Customer Reviews on
July 24, 2017
Two new Amazon customer reviews in July rated "Not Far From The Tree" 5 Stars! To date, all Amazon and Goodreads reviews for the Memoir have been 5 Stars!
“I really enjoyed reading this book, his life experiences were very interesting and his accomplishments in his corporate years were something else. The book was a real page-turner ... Well done.”
Diana K. Richardson
“Not Far From The Tree Kindle Edition by Eric Simmons is a lovely biography ... The book is filled with information that shows that his mother played the most important role in his life ... The story is interesting and addictive. The writing is creative and inviting. I really loved the author's efforts to find his roots, it was a wonderful experience ... It is a beautiful and inspiring story worth reading. It will awaken in you many ideas and thoughts about your own life as well.”

"Not Far From The Tree" Now Available From NOOK Press
July 24, 2017
ESE, Inc. announced today, "Not Far From The Tree" is now available through Nook Press. "We continue to expand our distribution channels for the book and are very excited to have the piece be available through NOOK Press,” stated ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons.
NOOK Press is the Independent Publishing arm of Barnes & Noble.
CEO Does Book Signing Benefitting Children’s Village, Inc.
June 26, 2017
On Sunday, ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons was invited to do a book signing at former NFL star Cornelius "Biscuit" Bennett’s 7th Annual Celebrity Golf Tournament benefiting Children’s Village, Inc. Barbara Wallace Edwards, a fellow Auburn Alum, and Community Engagement Director for Children’s Village, Inc. extended the invitation. Per Simmons, "Talk about an amazing organization and worthwhile cause! I cried inside when I heard about the abuse and neglect the young people at Children's Village have endured. Executive Director Sharon Bolden has invited me to come back to Birmingham to meet with and speak to the Children, and I have gladly accepted."
To learn more about Children's Village visit
ESE, Inc. Launches New Website Service for Student-Athletes
June 15, 2017
ESE, Inc. officially launched its New Website Service ( for High School Student-Athletes and their Parents today. “I’m very excited about our new Student-Athlete Website,” stated ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons. “I envisioned a “Crisp Looking,” “Easy to Navigate,” and “Easy to Understand” site for our Prospective Student-Athletes and their Parents. I truly believe we’ve accomplished that! The site was developed utilizing HTML5 and has been Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to make it easier to find our Company. Once on the site, Student-Athletes and their Parents will learn about our Company and be able to “kick the tires,” so to speak, by seeing what their “Personal Brand” website would look like when they are ready to engage College Coaches."
"The NCAA estimates over 8,000,000 High School students participate in athletics. Of that total, roughly 480,000 go on to compete at the NCAA level. To “Get Recognized” in such a highly competitive marketplace requires athleticism, solid grades, and marketing creativity to get Coaches’ attention. We believe having a “Personalized” website through ESE, Inc., is a great way for the Student-Athlete to stand out amongst the crowd. They will be able to confidently Engage Coaches (for Recruiting), Engage Colleges (for Admission), and Engage Companies (for Employment) over time with their “Personal” URL. I call it, the EC³ Continuum©.”

June 02, 2017
ESE, Inc. Unveils New Corporate Logo
Today, ESE, Inc. unveiled its new Corporate logo. Per CEO Eric Simmons, “I’m a big proponent of branding. At the end of the day, your level of customer service and your logo (i.e. brand) are how you’re identified and remembered by consumers. It was tantamount to me, ESE, Inc.’s Corporate logo embody who we are as a company and what we’re all about. And that is – 1. We are reflective of our actions and how they impact others. 2. We are worldly in our thinking and in our vision to inspire and help others. To that end, I reviewed over 1,000 logos and images on the Internet to get ideas for a fitting logo for ESE, Inc. I’m confident the logo I’ve designed is befitting of the Company’s principles. The logo has the Company’s initials in the center of a globe with the initials above its reflection.

June 02, 2017
ESE, Inc.’s New Corporate Website in Final Stages of Testing
In a news release today, ESE, Inc. announced its new Corporate website is in the final stages of testing before going live. “We’re very close to launching the Company’s new website. We’re currently testing credit card receipt, and invoicing. Afterward, we’ll do SEO optimization and Google Analytics setup. Creating a pleasant browsing experience and a “Wow” factor for ESE, Inc.’s visitor’s to our Corporate website is Priority Number 1 right now,” commented CEO Eric Simmons.

June 01, 2017
“Not Far From The Tree” May and YTD Sales
Today, ESE, Inc. announced May sales for “Not Far From The Tree” represented the highest monthly sales since the book was released in March of this year. Per ESE, Inc. CEO and Founder Eric Simmons who authored the piece, “May sales of Not Far From The Tree started slowly but ended strongly, thanks to a double-digit order late in the month. sales for the 3-month period following the book’s release shows it in the top 50% of over 8,000,000 books sold. Sales through Amazon’s CreateSpace business unit are exactly equal to sales over the period. In aggregate, the book is doing extremely well through Amazon’s sales channels, and interest continues to build.”
“Not Far From The Tree” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.

About ESE, Inc.
ESE, Inc. builds custom websites, utilizing the latest Internet language (HTML5), to enable High School Student-Athletes to project their "Personal Brand" to College Coaches and beyond. The primary benefit being, the student-athlete's website is not attached to a company's name which facilitates being able to address Coaches, Colleges, and Companies over time. We refer to this as the EC3 Continuum:
Engage Coaches -------- Engage Colleges -------- Engage Companies
Instead of: name
ESE, Inc. provides: www.student-athlete
ESE, Inc.'s approach allows the student-athlete to use their URL and website over time for their recruiting phase, admissions phase, and employment phase.

Barnes & Noble to carry, "Not Far From The Tree"
In a press release today, ESE, Inc. CEO and Founder Eric Simmons announced that his Memoir, “Not Far From The Tree” is now available for sale through Barnes & Noble. Per Simmons, “I’m pleased to share, the U.S.’s largest retail bookseller, Barnes & Noble will start carrying Not Far From The Tree effective today. ESE, Inc. is extremely excited about this strategic partnership, and we anticipate the already strong sales of the book will increase dramatically. I’d like to thank Barnes & Noble for its vote of confidence. This development further augments one of the sales strategies for Not Far From The Tree, which is to make the book available through the World’s leading bookseller brand names. Having Amazon, the World’s largest Internet-based retailer and now Barnes & Noble, the U.S.’s largest retail bookseller, on board we are well on our way to addressing this particular strategy. Next up, will be University bookstores.”
Author Website Launched
ESE, Inc. News Release
May 5, 2017
ESE, Inc. announced today CEO Eric Simmons' Author website is up and running. Per Simmons, "I designed and built an Author website to provide greater accessibility to "Not Far From The Tree" for fans of the book and prospective buyers. With a goal of making the Memoir easier to find on the Internet and to give potential procurers a pre-purchase glimpse of the book, I've incorporated Search Engine Optimization (SEO), page flip technology, for the perusal of a chapter, and added a "Purchase" page with direct links to CreateSpace and Amazon for checkout. Business wise, I'll be able to utilize Google Analytics to understand market dynamics around the book and develop a more focused marketing strategy versus updating people on Facebook. Lastly, I'll be "Blogging" about my book writing journey which is a "story" in and of itself. I think it'll be great info for aspiring book writers."
Auburn’s Iconic J&M Bookstore Orders Alum’s Memoir
June 5, 2017
ESE, Inc. announced today, J&M Bookstore has placed an initial order for print versions of “Not Far From The Tree.” ESE, Inc. CEO and Auburn alum Eric Simmons shared how the order came about. “The Saturday of the A-Day game, my primary reason for going to Auburn was to introduce myself to J&M’s CEO Trey Johnston and try to convince him to carry my book. I had a huge obstacle to overcome in that Auburn standout and former NFL Star Takeo Spikes was having a book signing that day at J&M. The timing certainly wasn’t good regarding asking a bookstore owner to carry your book while he’s having a major book signing going on. Undaunted, I maneuvered my way through the long line of book signing seekers and walked right into the store. A student cashier pointed Trey out to me. After introducing myself, just as I started giving Trey my sales spiel, he stopped me and asked, “What’s the book about?” I said, “It’s dedicated to my Mom, and it speaks to the invaluable seeds of knowledge she instilled in me.” Trey replied, “That’s all you had to say!”
Thank you, Trey and J&M Bookstore for your vote of confidence, your recent order, and for your support of an Auburn alum. J&M Bookstore, you’re a TIGER of a bookstore! War Eagle!
Contact J&M Bookstore for availability.
“Not Far From The Tree” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.