Three years ago today, ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons released his self-published Memoir, “Not Far From The Tree.” Since then, 77 libraries, including 9 of America’s largest, in 24 states, have acquired 87 copies of the book. 10 Libraries have two or more copies of the book. Of these, one has five copies, one has four, and four have three copies. 86% of the Libraries worldwide with ESETOMES books have a copy of “Not Far From The Tree.” In the retail sector, the CEO’s Memoir has appeared on Amazon’s “Best Seller” numerous times, including 12 appearances in 2019. Out of over 8,000,000 books sold worldwide on, the Memoir has been in the “Top 1%” in sales 60 times and the “Top 10%” 288 times.
#NotFarFromTheTree #EricOtisSimmons #Amazon #ESEInc @esimmonsauthor
