According to a recent article on Lifewire’s website, “What Does It Mean to Go Viral Online?” “… there's no specific number of shares, likes, retweets, reblogs, meme shares, or any other measure of interaction needed to be reached for something to claim "viral" status. Therefore, it's all relative, but if you get a few hundred or thousands of retweets on a tweet when you're used to maybe getting two or three retweets on average, you could say that your tweet went viral.”
Recently, ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons reviewed the Notifications sections of his Twitter page, @esimmonsauthor, months before and after his article, “How To Get Your Book Into Libraries,” was posted on New York Times bestselling Author, Joanna Penn’s website. What he discovered was some eye-opening percentages in terms of increases in his various Twitter categories (likes, retweets, etc.). Whether the article has “gone viral,” on Twitter is debatable. There’s one thing that’s not up for debate, however. The article sure is blowing up Simmons’ “Twitter Notifications.”
“How To Get Your Book Into Libraries” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.
#HowToGetYourBookIntoLibraries #JoannaPenn #Twitter #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor