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ESE, Inc. Logo

ESE, Inc. News

ESETOMES Brand Gets a Logo

ESE, Inc. unveiled today, its new logo for the Company’s ESETOMES brand of books written by CEO Eric Simmons. The design incorporates modernistic graphical-like pen quills, to connote writing, in various brown hues, and spells out ESETOMES utilizing Playfair Display font. The emblem will be used to differentiate Simmons’ books and creates advertising and merchandising opportunities around items such as coffee mugs, polo shirts, baseball caps, etc. “I plan to get myself a polo shirt and baseball cap so that I can be a walking billboard for the ESETOMES brand,” said a smiling Simmons.

ESETOMES is the brand name for books written by ESE, Inc. CEO, Eric Simmons. The brand currently includes his multi-time Amazon "Best Seller" Memoir, "Not Far From The Tree," "#HTSP - How to Self-Publish," and "ESETOMES Box Set" which is an eBook compilation of Simmons' first two books.

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